Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why a Stucco Motor Home?

I know, you are thinking I'm crazy. I get that reaction pretty much every time I tell someone about my idea; The World's First Stucco Motor Home!

I am sure you are asking, "Why on earth would he cover a motor home in stucco?!!?", well, grab yourself a cup of coffee and let me tell you about my inspiration and vision.

I have several U.S. Patents on a spray foam and stucco wall system and proprietary tools to use with this system, the Masterbond™ Wall system. It involves planing flat closed cell spray foam insulation and applying surface materials on the exterior of a structure, ranging from stucco to culture stone, siding and metal. I think the world's first stucco motor home will be the marketing push that will demonstrate the magic of close cell spray foam and will open the market up to virtually every person to upgrade to this super energy efficient product, without going inside and disrupting the interior occupants.

The Masterbond™ wall system will cut any building's heat loss by 50% or more and give buildings with masonry structures unequaled efficiency because of the Positive Thermal Mass (P.T.M.). PTM is when the thermal mass works in the performance of storing heat and cold for the building. Negative thermal mass is when heat and cool are sucked from the building because it is not protected by insulation, not to mention deterioration on a structure because it's exposed to thermal shocks. It's that simple. All this value and it looks visually spectacular for a life time. Last, but most important, it can and will create new jobs by the thousands!!

How good is that? It's planed and simple. The motor home is only a tool, but, if you want yours done, it's going to cost you --$$!! But hey, wait a minute, I just realized as I'm writing this, my Masterbond™ wall system would be great to upgrade a stationary mobile home or trailer home! If you are looking for an estimate on a project, please e-mail me.

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