Friday, December 18, 2009

Final Preparations for the Spray Foam & Stucco

I can actually see the end in sight on the stucco motor castle project. This week I applied the final metal mesh finish along the bottom edge of the motorhome which will become part of the structure as I am spraying foam and applying stucco. Once the temperatures warm up a little (we've been in the teens all week) I will begin spraying foam. Here are a few pictures of this stage of the project.
I attached a hand curved metal mesh along the bottom edge. It also has foam board dams attached to it.

Above the compartment, is a 6" x 10" block which is a sample of the wall system I intend to apply. Take a look at the sample and in your mind, replace the plywood with the metal exterior of the motorhome! Also, this compartment and all other exterior components have been built out to accomodate for the thickness of the spray foam. I actually had my buddy machine me a few mounting brackets for some of the components.

Dams are applied around all windows and structural edges.

Now if only I could get the neighbors to take down the fence!

1 comment:

  1. Since the house will be more efficient your electric bill will be significantly lower. Many power companies will actually give a discount on the bill only for the installation of this isolation.
